Monday, November 5, 2007


specific concepts learned:
1.well as i was looking up my main event i didnt know that there was so much that had happen during the declaration of independence.
2.Also when i was recording for my script i found out hw you could change your voice while recording. when i was recording i didnt relize i had so many facts about my interviewer.

challenges:when i was recording my podcast the computers were moving very slow and i was having a hard time trying to record, so i just said forget thid i will just edit this to the fullest
and then i wouldnt have to worry about wating untill the computers are ready to load.

Real -World Significance:
well it tell's that history repeats it's self and there's lots of things that has to deal with modern world in our main event.

Friday, November 2, 2007

My querencia

A Querencia is a place you can fill relaxed and call home. My Querencia is skateboarding because i really like to feel in control of my skateboard., for example doing and ollie makes me feel comfortable because i know that i am in control. dropping in sometimes takes away my addiction
because it's high, but 30 seconds later i fell the wind flowing through my hair. skateboarding is my Querencia because you're always gliding on the hard pavement. when i am by myself i get piece and quite so i can embrace my skills for next time.